; PAE Access Request ; Modified for ACOS on 4/16/87 public chk.vote on nocar goto no.car goto start chk.vote f$="h:nu":gosub votes:goto link.main no.car link "a:main.seg","off" link.main link "a:main.seg","fromsys" center b=(edit(3)/2)-(len(i$)/2):if b<1 b=1 for a=1 to b:i$=" "+i$:next:return show.file setint(1):print \s$\:open #1,f$:if mark(1) close #1:return showfl2 copy (20) #1 if (eof(1) or key(1)) setint(""):close #1:return if not flag(35) goto showfl2 print "Press [RETURN] ";:get i$:if i$=chr$(13) print " "; print chr$(8,16);chr$(32,16);chr$(8,16); if i$=" " setint(""):close #1:return setint(1):goto showfl2 start i$="%> PAE ProDOS Access Request <%":gosub center:print sc$\i$ f$="h:ae":gosub votes f$="b:ae.request":gosub show.file input @0 \"Do you wish to apply? (Y/N) :" i$:if i$<>"Y" link "a:main.seg","fromsys" print \"Enter message now - 4k max"\".s = save|.h = help|'done' to edit msg." edit(0):edit(1):if not edit(2) print \"%> Aborted <%":link "a:main.seg","fromsys" print \"Saving..."; open #1,"h:ae.data":input #1,x,z z=z+1:if z>999 z=1 mark(1)=0:print #1,x,z:close f$="h:ae"+str$(z)+".user":create f$ open #1,f$:print #1,un:close f$="h:ae"+str$(z)+".1":create f$:open #1,f$ print #1,'2 Name %>'a1$' 'a2$' Date %>'date$' 'time$' Baud %>'ba$' From %>'a3$\ copy #8,#1:print #1,\'[1) Yes, give him PAE access. [2) No, don'chr$(39)'t give him PAE.':close f$="h:ae"+str$(z):kill f$ print chr$(8,6)"ed - You will be notified of the results in mail." goto link.main ; Subroutine for looking at user's vote results votes print \"Checking votes..."; open #1,f$+".data":input #1,a,b:close if a>b print "no votes found.":return votes1 open #1,f$+str$(a)+".user" input #1,x:close if x=un goto votes2 a=a+1:if a<=b goto votes1 print "your request was not found.":return votes2 open #1,f$+str$(a) mark(1)=(un/512)*64:x=mark(1):fill ram2,64,0 read #1,ram2,64:z=flag:flag=ram2:a=flag(un) flag(un)=1:flag=z:mark(1)=x:write #1,ram2,64 x=1:z=byte:byte=ram2 position #1,32,x+7 fill ram2,32,0:read #1,ram2,32 b=byte(0)+byte(1)*256 print "found."\ if b=0 print "Nobody has voted on you yet!":goto vote5 print "Total votes so far: "b y=byte(2)+byte(3)*256 print "Yes: "(y*100)/b"% ("y") "; y=byte(4)+byte(5)*256 print "No: "(y*100)/b"% ("y")" vote5 close:byte=z:return