; Auto Message ; Modified for ACOS on 03/27/87 on nocar goto no.car goto start no.car link "a:main.seg","term1" link.main link "a:main.seg","fromsys" center b=(edit(3)/2)-(len(a$)/2):if not b then b=1 print chr$(32,b);:if flag(32) print chr$(15);a$;chr$(14):return print a$:return show.file setint(1):print \s$\:copy f$:setint(""):return start print sc$ if flag(32) a$=chr$(32,21)+chr$(14,2):gosub center if flag(32) a$=" "+chr$(14)+" User Auto Message "+chr$(15)+" ":gosub center if flag(32) a$=chr$(32,21)+chr$(14,2):gosub center if not flag(32) a$="%> User Auto Message <%":gosub center start1 print \"Option? (Q,R,W,?) -%>"; start2 gosub get.key:if i$="Q" print "Quit...":goto link.main if i$="R" print "Read Auto-msg":f$="b:auto":gosub show.file:goto start1 if i$="?" print 'Commands - [R]ead Auto-message [W]rite Auto-message [Q]uit':goto start1 if i$<>"W" goto start2 write print "Write Auto-msg."\ print "[P)ost or [U)pload? ";:gosub get.key if i$="U" print "Upload":goto up.xmdm if i$<>"P" print "Quit":goto start1 print "Post":a$=a4$+" [#"+str$(un)+"]" print "Anonymous message? ";:gosub get.key if i$="Y" a$="Anonymous poster":print "Yes":else print "No" print \"Enter message now, "edit(3)" col, 4k bytes max" print ".s = save|.h = help|'done' to edit msg." edit(0):edit(1) j3 if not edit(2) goto start1 print \"Saving..."; f$="b:auto":kill f$:create f$ open #1,f$:print #1,"From -%>"a$ gosub date1:print #1,"Date -%>"i$\ copy #8,#1:close print chr$(8,6)"ed. " goto start1 up.xmdm print \"Ready to receive" f$="l:auto":use "b:protocol.up",255,0,f$ edit(0):copy f$,#8:kill f$:edit(1):goto j3 date1 q=val(left$(date$,2)):q1=val(mid$(date$,4,2)):q2=val(right$(date$,2)) m$="000031059090120151181212243273304334":if q>1 q3=val(mid$(m$,q*3-2,3)) q1=q1+q3:m$="46012356":q1=q1+val(mid$(m$,8-(94-q2),1)):q1=q1 mod 7 m$="BobMonTueWedThuFriSat":if q1>1 td$=mid$(m$,q1*3-2,3):else td$="Sun" ml$="085534469788":q3=0:for q4=1 to q-1:q3=q3+val(mid$(ml$,q4,1):next mt$="FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember" if q>1 m$=mid$(mt$,q3+1,val(mid$(ml$,q4+1,1))):else m$="January" min$=mid$(time$,4,2):if len(time$)>8 tm$=time$:goto date2 if val(left$(time$,2))<12 tm$=left$(time$,2)+":"+min$+"AM":goto date2 q4=val(left$(time$,2)):tm$=str$(12-(24-q4))+":"+min$+"PM" date2 i$=td$+", "+m$+" "+mid$(date$,4,2)+" "+tm$ return get.key ww=0:wx=0 get.key1 gf=clock(2) if (gf<>0) and (clock(1)>gf) print \\"[ Time Limit Exceeded ]":pop:goto no.car gf=peek(-16384):if (gf=129) or (gf=150) get i$:print chr$(8);:return gf=key(0):if (gf>96) and (gf<123) gf=gf-32 if (gf>31) or (gf=13) i$=chr$(gf):return ww=ww+1:if flag(33)=0 goto get.key2 wx=wx+1:if wx>16 wx=1 print mid$("!/-\!/-\!\-/!\-/",wx,1);chr$(8); get.key2 if ww=2000 print chr$(7,2); if ww=4000 pop:goto no.car if (not info(0)) and (not info(5)) and (eu<>1) pop:goto no.car goto get.key1