; Userpurge Util ; Written on: 6/26/87 on nocar goto no.car gh=0:ab=0:bs$=chr$(8) print \"Delete before: XX/XX/XX"chr$(8,8); input @2 a$:if not a$ goto link.sys f$="b:deletions" kill f$:create f$ open #2,f$:print #2,' This is a list of the users who were either deleted or came up for deletion during a routine user purge from last date logged on. If the user was deleted, a bracket encloses the name. The last user purge was on 'date$' for users who had not logged on since 'a$'. User Name Last On ---------------------------------'\ input @1 "Start at user #"a move ram,34 to ram2:open #1,"b:users" for b=a to nu position #1,64,b:gosub rd.user if (not d1$) or (not d2$) gh=gh+1:gosub update:goto back x=val(right$(lc$,2)):y=val(right$(a$,2)) if (x96) and (gf<123) gf=gf-32 if gf i$=chr$(gf):print " "bs$;:return ww=ww+1:if not flag(33) goto get.key2 wx=wx+1:if (wx=1) or (wx=5) or (wx=9) or (wx=13) print "!"; if (wx=2) or (wx=6) print "/"; if (wx=3) or (wx=7) print "-"; if (wx=4) or (wx=8) print "\"; if (wx=10) or (wx=14) print "\"; if (wx=11) or (wx=15) print "-"; if (wx=12) or (wx=16) print "/"; if wx=16 wx=0 print bs$; get.key2 if ww=2000 print chr$(7,2); if ww=4000 pop:goto no.car goto get.key1