; Wall of Graffiti ; Modified for ACOS on 4/9/87 on nocar goto no.car goto start no.car link "a:main.seg","off" center b=(edit(3)/2)-(len(i$)/2):if b<1 b=1 for a=1 to b:i$=" "+i$:next:return show.file setint(1):print \s$\:open #1,f$:if mark(1) close #1:return showfl2 copy (20) #1 if (eof(1) or key(1)) setint(""):close #1:return if not flag(35) goto showfl2 print "Press [RETURN] ";:get i$:if i$=chr$(13) print " "; print chr$(8,16);chr$(32,16);chr$(8,16); if i$=" " setint(""):close #1:return setint(1):goto showfl2 start i$="%> The Wall of Graffiti <%":gosub center:print sc$\i$ start1 push start1 if clock(2)<>0 a=clock(1):b=clock(2):print \(b-a)/60":";:i$=str$((b-a) mod 60):if len(i$)<2 i$="0"+i$ if not clock(2) i$=chr$(13)+"00:00" print i$" Option -%>";:gosub get.key start2 if i$="Q" print "Quit...":pop:link "a:main.seg","fromsys" if (i$="K") and flag(4) goto erase if (i$="S") and flag(3) print "Show authors":f$="b:wall.data":goto show.file if i$="R" print "Read wall":f$="b:wall":goto show.file if i$="W" goto write print 'Commands - [R]ead the wall [W]rite on wall [Q]uit' if flag(3) print "[S]how authors" if flag(4) print "[K]ill wall/author file" return write print 'Write on wall Enter your graffiti now - 4k max .s to save|.h for help| DONE to edit' edit(0):edit(1):if not edit(2) return print \"Saving...";:create "b:wall":create "b:wall.data" open #1,"b:wall":append #1:copy #8,#1:close open #1,"b:wall.data":append #1:print #1,a1$" "a2$" @ "date$" "time$:close print chr$(8,6);chr$(32,6);chr$(8,6)"ed.":return erase input @0 \\"Erase: W)all or A)uthor file? " i$:if i$="W" goto erase1 input @0 \\"Erase author file? " i$:if i$<>"Y" return print \"Erasing...";:kill "b:wall.data" print chr$(8,6)"ed ":return erase1 input @0 \\"Erase the wall? " i$:if i$<>"Y" return print \"Erasing...";:kill "b:wall":print chr$(8,6)"ed " return get.key ww=0:wx=0 get.key1 gf=clock(2) if (gf<>0) and (clock(1)>gf) print \\"[ Time Limit Exceeded ]":pop:goto no.car gf=peek(-16384):if (gf=129) or (gf=150) get i$:print chr$(8);:return gf=key(0):if (gf>96) and (gf<123) gf=gf-32 if (gf>31) or (gf=13) i$=chr$(gf):return ww=ww+1:if flag(33)=0 goto get.key2 wx=wx+1:if wx>16 wx=1 print mid$("!/-\!/-\!\-/!\-/",wx,1);chr$(8); get.key2 if ww=2000 print chr$(7,2); if ww=4000 pop:goto no.car if (not info(0)) and (not info(5)) and (eu<>1) pop:goto no.car goto get.key1