Small summer nights and my radio!... Hey hey momma, I like the way you move, gonna make you shake, gonna make you groove.... Join Pirate Patrol and recieve 2000+ credits !! SO go now and join an Army! Vote! Your life depends on it. Fuck the Pirate Pussies. Join them and get plugged. When in doubt, Hack it!!!!!!!! Pirate Patrol sucks! Users in that army are going to lose ALL their credits unless they vacate now and join Crasher's Slaughterhouse! Don't try to quote famous songs anymore, you losers. No stop signs, speed limits, nothin's gonna' stop me now!!!!!!!!! Lizard ! "Revenge is a dish best served cold"- Khan, Star Trek II Rusty Nail Don't forget to buy insurance from Rusty's!! Buy now before its too late! Slaughter house sucks wang...They're all a bunch of momma's boys. Fuck you and your family I say, real men join Pirate Patrol and recieve 9000+ credits and good pay! Do loser's steal your credits? Are you bothered by only getting 15 minutes online time because some LEECH stole your credits? Well its all solved. Buy 'Fiend's Quickie Insurance'. The best in the market, with the best rates. Your fee is only 5% while I pay back 70% unlike most. So be backed up by a good quality insurance, and take a bite out of crime. anon posts on the wall? Well fuck you all. I don't care if you know that this is really Sinister Fiend. WHAT A FUCKING LOOOOOOZER! We are all just another BRICK in the wall. Phreak out,phreak and have some phun.. Welcome to the jungle we got what you need if you got the money honey we .............and so goes the song. I know you all believe you understand what you think I saud, but I am not so sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. Join High Voltage insurance and be assured that we have what it takes to pay you back. Joining any other insurance company is taking risks that you don't need to take. Sure, ours costs more, but we will always have enough to pay you back when you need it, unlike the other companies. I came here to chew gum and kick some ass...and I'm out of bubblegum. Though the course may change sometimes... rivers always reach the sea. Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.--Archy the Cockroach Blah....Blah.... Don't join if you know what's good for your sanity.... I.E navy fuck High Voltage insurance....join a real who give the people what they want...DC is a zit on a camels ass.... sniff sniff sniff, be wary wary quiet, I am hunting pussies, sniff sniff sniff.... You! Yes you! Stand still will ya! Look you little shit, I hope they lock you up and throw away the key! Hey you fuckers..go and POST on the boards, CREATE VOTES, UPLOAD! VOTE! Use the boarder lines! Rate other users in the User list section! JOIN an INSURANCE COMPANY. POST this number on other boards you cluster fucks. Yeah, SF, run up a few more brownie points, why don't ya? Okay, you want to hear the truth? -DC- is actually a FED! Yes, talk about great cover, he is running a pirate board, admits to other illigal activities, I mean what better way to get our confidence in him. Just wait, we are all going to get busted by -DC-, mark my word. SHUT THE HELL UP! If people find out about this, I'll get fired. I won't bust the people on my system if you'll just keep quiet about it. This was your last warning. The Federation will be shot down in flames, mark my words. The federation? hahahahahahahahaha. Actually, you stupid shit, it's "You little shit you're in in now/I hope they throw away the key/You should have talked to me more often than you did/BUT NO!" You're really pathetic. Who the Fuck is the Promethus d00d that posted that....Fry the Fucker. Make him feel God's wrath!! -SF And as we wind on down the road our shadows taller than our soul their walks a lady we all know who shines white light and wants to show how everything still turns to gold and if you listen very hard the tune will come to you at last when all is one and one is all to be a rock and not to roll Look in the mirror What do ya see? The Cult of Personality. Take a knife and kill your brother... then go down to kill your mother... kill your girlfriend cuz you lover her... MASSACRE!!! MASSACRE!!! --some fucking satanist Actually I might take you up on the "kill your girlfriend." How come guys are so easy to understand, but women so hard. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I am going nuts. Can't keep my eye on the circling sky, tongue tied & twisted just an earthbound misfit, I. PiNk-Floyd Call & Crash The Federation at 206-838-4857. Also Call & Crash 206-938-1888. The only idiot dumb enough to actually help the sysops of the Federation. Hey you guyz!!! have ya all lost that graphitti writing instinct? MAKE SOME MARKS ON THIS FUCKING WALL!!! Dragon's Lair, Cracked first by Bacardi 151 Where, oh, where is that damnable Aztec C compiler.... What the hell is dragons lair for? Definately not the Gs! as you go on with your life...kill someone with a knife...make someones life hell...drop the bomb and ring their bell... Big Brother IS Watching (HAHAHA) fart it might feel better Let me take your hand I'm shaking like milk. Fear of Living On Natives Getting Restless Now There's Mutiny in the Air Got Some Death to Do Mirror Stares Back Hard "Kill" - It's such a friendly word Seems it's the Only Way For Reaching Out Again -Sanatarium (Welcome Home) / Metallica Hey you....yeah, YOU.... Go UPLOAD something.... Life is a fucking bitch and then my little brother starts listening to Anthrax! Shit! Where's my damn tapes you little fuck! Go watch your boyfriend Brother Love and leave my shit alone. Dickface. C H O + O --> CO + H O 6 12 6 2 2 2 The first person to balance this equation gets to give SF a blow job. who's SF? Sinester Fiend is a fuck head.. One of these days....... Don't you hate it when you go to school with some chick, don't know her really well, then when you graduate and throw a big party, she and you start hitting it off together really well but she's engaged and you'll never see her again after that party? Not to mention that she's got a killer body and would make the perfect mother of your childeren. Life sucks. Somewhere a clock strikes midnight. And there's a full moon in the sky You hear a dog bark in the distance... You hear someone's baby cry A rat runs down the alley A chill runs down your spine Someone walks across a grave and you wish the sun would shine And noone's gonna warn ya No one's gonna yell attack And you don't feel the steel 'TIll it's hangin' out your back... -AC/DC Join IRON MAN insurance. For those about to rock, we salute you. you poor baby... Hmmpf. Go write somewhe Who said women can't be understood? The only ones who can't be understood are the ones who don't understand themselves! One thing is for certain, though, it pays to take the time to understand yourself and others. .s Now I back.. with another chick fucking up my life. Why do they like doing that so much? And what can YOU do about it? dick her and leave her... Every place is local if your a phriend of Telco --me, I made that up myself... ain't I just the poet? This year will be the year, dammit! SF = Stupid Fuck. I want that immortalized on the wall.. Right is wrong when HYPE is written on the soul, De La that is. Luv ya Cath... TUNE IN, TURN ON, BOOT UP Get a life Gimp. "I know who you are, I know who you are. I'll get you, you cocksucker. And when I do, God bless." Women.. if they didn't have a beaver, there'd be bounties on them. Why are they such sluts? Yet another has been fucking with my mind. After a while, you just come to expect it from them! I don't think I'll ever get married.... Hey....I'm here This is fucking ridiculous. if you got this far, you suck! WARNING: The following scenes may be unsuitable for sensitive viewers. Hey boys and girls, what time is it? Try typing DYM the next time you call this place.... MANHUNTER NY APPLE II SERIES Ver#1.oI / Int #1.5o Disk 2 of 6 /\ \_A public service announcement brought to you by Hack-Ra Labs. Hey, this is neat, anybody wanna try calling My board at 854-2451? 2400 Baud, 24 Hours, give it a shot, hope to see ya there! Shake it more than once your playing with it! DC porks fat chicks..aka Patty FUCK ALL OF YA! LAMERZ GET OFF NOW! HIT ALT CTRL AND DELETE TO GET SYSOP ACCESS WHERE YOU CAN CHANGE EVERYONE'S ACCOUNT. (2o6)285-3935 CeNTRaL CoNNeCTiON 1.2 Gigs of WARZ! 2400-16.8k! Phreacking Hacking Carding and fun.. These are the pale deaths which men miscall their lives... Press to drop to DOS... I didn't inhale..... I'm not a crook..... Who, me????? Who the heck read down this far? Right! Not to leave the room until we go downstairs. I read every piece of this crap. Up with dresses, down with pants!!! truthfully i have never been so depressed in my whole entire life as i am of this moment one thirty in the morning on october the thirty first nineteen ninety three...i wish you could relate & of course you can't i said & i wonder if he truly wants to as he used to for as that day at eden we were one & as for now i feel we are coming apart & it preys on me love (hyzenthlay) jesus that was good PISS ON ALL OF YOU SORRY LITTLE FUCKS THAT HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAT PACK A BUNCH OF BEACH SAND IN EACHOTHERS ASSES!!!!!!