NEW USER ACCESS REQUEST Updated: 07/26/92 Welcome to the Shooting Star BBS/PAE ProDOS. Operating at 3/12/2400 bauds, 24 hours a day, everyday since 1985. The board is here for all to enjoy. It was once an elite system catering to a unique type of BBS user. But for the time being, that purpose has changed. The BBS runs off an Apple //e with a 21meg hard drive and a 2400 baud modem. There is a file transfer area for those who are interested. Since space is limited, access to the transfer section will only be allowed for Apple ][ users. Validation is done by way of a voting booth. When you apply for access, the message you will have written is posted in the "New User Voting Booth". Here, five users (out of many picked by the sysop) will vote on whether they think you should be given access or not. Normally, it takes over a week for your application to be processed. It has taken up to several weeks in the past, however. It all depends on how many users have called recently and how many of those have voted. There is a limit on how many calls you can make to the system while your application is being processed. Please observe this! If you exceed your limit, your account will be deleted right before your eyes. This system does not support the following: Phreaking, Hacking, or Carding. If this is your main interest, then this system isn't what you're looking for. If you didn't get access the first time you applied, either you left too short of a message or didn't leave a complete one answering enough questions. Don't re-apply immediately. Wait a couple weeks. Now, the only thing left is to write a message that contains the answers to the following questions. Be fairly brief, but not too brief. Try to answer the questions in a paragraph form, making it as attractive as possible. Remember that the users will be voting on this! [1) How long have you been modeming? [2) What kind of computer do you have? [3) Name some other systems/people you call/know. [4) Where did you get this number? [5) Do you run your own board? If so, what's the name/number? [6) Anything else that you want to say.