NEW USER ACCESS REQUEST #2 Updated: 07/26/92 Welcome to the Shooting Star BBS! This board has been up and running since 1985. Currently it is operating on an Apple //e computer and a 2400 baud modem. All users are welcome here. All that is required for gaining complete access is for you to fill out a simple message answering a few brief questions. The sysop will read your message and possibly respond. The system has a lot to offer, including message bases, file transfers, online games, voting booths, and much more. You can also access the Dial Your Match portion of the BBS by typing "DYM" when you first log onto the BBS (before you type your user number or name). You are encouraged to use this area of the BBS as well, so don't forget to call back and try it by typing "DYM"! In that area, you can gain more information and communication with other users of this BBS. Now just write a short note containing the answers to the following questions. You can leave this message in F)eedback to the sysop. Thanks for your call! [1) How long have you been modeming? [2) What kind of computer do you have? [3) Name some other systems/people you call/know. [4) Where did you get this number? [5) Do you run your own board? If so, what's the name/number? [6) What are you looking for in a BBS? [7) Anything else you wish to say.