WMS Monitor FAQ

Last revised 3/11/2012

1)  I've tried to install this on my IIS server but can't get it to work!
2)  I did all the above and it's still not working!
3)  How do I disable/remove/edit objects on the page?
4)  Are there any settings that can be changed?
5)  How is the software licensed and where can I get it?
6)  I want a new feature/change added.
7)  How do I limit what publishing points users can see?
8)  I've enabled the administrative buttons but some don't do anything?
9)  Buttons on the page are stretched across the screen.

I've tried to install this on my IIS server but can't get it to work!

First, read about deploying ASP.Net Applications.  The basics steps are to copy the WMSMonitor folder to your web server, configure this folder as an Application in IIS, make sure the Read checkbox is checked, set Execute Permissions to "Scripts only", verify "Default.aspx" is listed in the Documents tab, and make sure ASP.Net v2.0 is selected in the ASP.Net tab (you did remember to install the .Net Framework 2.0 or later, right?) Note that this process varies a bit depending on the specific IIS version.

I did all the above and it's still not working!

If you're running IIS6 make sure the "Network Service" account has NTFS Read rights to the folder and all files under it.  If you're running an earlier version of IIS, assign these rights to the "ASPNET" account instead.  More information about doing this is available here.

Also verify that the ASP.Net v2.0 web service extension is enabled on your IIS server.

You may also need to run DCOMCnfg to configure security settings for enabling access to Windows Media Services from an ASP.Net application. Adding the user Everyone will work. Note that for Windows Server 2008, after you download and install WMS, you may need to modify the AppID registry setting permissions for Administrators under HKLM\Windows\Software\Classes\AppID for WMS before you can do this.
How do I disable/remove/edit objects on the page?

Since you can't delete objects out of the ASPX file without crashing the program, you'll need to set them to invisible if you don't want them displayed.  This is done by adding visible="false" to the line, for example:

<asp:Label ID="lblServer" runat="server" visible="False" Font-Bold="True" Style="z-index: 101; left: 8px;
 position: absolute; top: 16px" Text="WMS Server:" Width="720px" Font-Size="X-Large"></asp:Label>

Additionally, you can freely modify other attributes of the object such as its location and color.

Are there any settings that can be changed?

Besides modifying objects in ASPX files as shown above, there are also several settings in the web.config file that control the program's behavior.  These settings are listed under the "<AppSettings>" element in the file, and comments within the file describe each one.  You can change them using a text editor like Wordpad.

How is the software licensed and where can I get it?

WMS Monitor is shareware and can be downloaded from http://shootingstarbbs.us/files/wmsmonitor.  Please read the About page for further information.

I want a new feature/change added.

The author will entertain requests for additional features/modifications but may ask for compensation.  Feel free to contact him at diskcrasher@yahoo.com.

How do I limit what publishing points users can see?

You can edit the web.config file to allow showing of any/all publishing points or just one.  If you have multiple users and publishing points, you can install multiple copies of the WMS Monitor application in IIS, each with its own virtual directory and web.config file settings.  You can also use IIS authentication to password protect access to the page.

I've enabled the administrative buttons but some don't do anything?

Not all buttons will work with all publishing point types.  For example, there is no way to stop an on-demand publishing point.  You can prevent new clients from connecting using the Accept/Deny button, however.   

Buttons on the page are stretched across the screen.

This is a known problem with some versions of Internet Explorer when a specific width is not specified on a button. You can fix this by adding a width to the button(s) in the Default.aspx file.