WMController (Windows Media Controller) is a Windows console application that can be used to start/stop Windows Media Services broadcast publishing points or Windows Media Encoder encoding.  It can also load .wme session files.  The application can even run on a remote computer that has network access (via DCOM) to the server running WMS or WME. When used with Windows Task Scheduler, the program can also be automated to start/stop streams at pre-set times by creating simple batch files.

An example of starting a publishing point named "pubpoint1" on a server named "server1" is shown below:
wmcontroller -wms:server1 -start:pubpoint1

Note that if WMController is running on the same computer as either WMS or WME, you should specify "localhost" as the server name:
wmcontroller -wms:localhost -start:pubpoint1

Other examples:
wmcontroller -wms:server1 -stop:pubpoint1 (tells WMS running on "server1" to stop publishing point "pubpoint1")
wmcontroller -wms:server1 -list
(shows names of all publishing points on "server1")
wmcontroller -wme:ws1 -start (tells WME running on "ws1" to start encoding)
wmcontroller -wme:ws1 -stop
(tells WME running on "ws1" to stop encoding)
wmcontroller -wme:ws1 -load:c:\file.wme -start (tells WME to load session "file.wme" and start encoding)
wmcontroller -wme:localhost -start (tells WME running on the same computer to start encoding)

New in v1.1, the ability to start/stop publishing point archiving:
wmcontroller -wms:localhost -startarchive:pp1 (tells WMS to start archiving on publishing point "pp1")
wmcontroller -wms:localhost -stoparchive:pp1 (tells WMS to stop archiving on "pp1")

New in v1.2, the ability to start/stop separate instances of WME running on the same computer:
wmcontroller -wme:localhost -name:WMEncoder123 -start (starts the encoding for WMEncoder123 instance)

The program is being sold for $50 (see license) and can be purchased via the PayPal link below. A limited version is also available for free (see FAQ.) With receipt of payment you will be sent a compiled copy of the software ASAP (no source code.) Limited support, such as installation help, may also be provided.

The author can be e-mailed here. There is also a FAQ page.  Also check out WMS Monitor & Camera Monitoring Website too!

Note:  The .Net Framework 2.0 must also be installed for the software to run.